Our 2020 Global Leadership Summit is Canceled
Dear UNA-USA members and advocates,
I hope you are staying healthy and safe during this challenging time. My heart goes out to any of you who may directly affected by the coronavirus, and those of you facing unforeseen challenges in your daily lives as a result.
This pandemic has called on leaders in all sectors to make difficult decisions and act in the best public health interests of our global community. That is why I have made the decision to cancel our 2020 Global Leadership Summit, previously scheduled to take place June 7-9 in Washington, D.C.
We are in a time of so much uncertainty, and each day the global situation changes. That is why the UNA-USA team will be redirecting our efforts to bring you the Global Engagement Online Series (GEOS), an ongoing collection of virtual programs to keep you inspired, informed, and connected to the UN this year. Launching in April and continuing through the year, GEOS will provide a forum for us to celebrate the UN’s 75th anniversary and engage our communities in the UN75 campaign to shape a brighter future. You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in UNA-USA’s Global Consultations and provide input to United Nations officials through these community conversations.
As we all adjust to this “new normal” and alter our behavior for the greater good of our communities, I want you to know that social distancing does not mean we are distancing from our core values and impact on global issues. The UNA-USA team created the Virtual Activities Hub with our community in mind, curating some of our best webinars, online resources from UN agencies, and further ways to take action. Let’s take this opportunity to heighten our learning, pull others into this movement, and seek out creative ways to build connections. As global advocates, we have a role to play right now.
Thank you for your understanding, your leadership, and your support of one another. I can’t wait to narrow the distance between us, deepen our connection to global issues, and expand the reach of our mission with the Global Engagement Online Series.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and remember that we will rise from this crisis together, stronger than before.
With support and solidarity,
Rachel Bowen Pittman
Executive Director, UNA-USA