Task Force to President Obama: Follow-Up on Senate Report
December 19, 2014
In it, the Task Force underscores the need for reforms to ensure that America’s legal obligations -national and international – are met. Under two pre-eminent international treaties, those obligations include investigating credible allegations of abuse, prosecuting perpetrators and providing redress for victims. Noting that UN treaty bodies and others have called on the US to uphold its legal obligations, the Task Force members express their agreement with them. They commend the President’s public commitment to reform and urge that additional measures be carried out to ensure that the US prevents torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment from recurring. They recall bipartisan support in shaping the international instruments prohibiting torture and ill-treatment.
The UNA-USA Leo Nevas Human Rights Task Force is an advisory group of distinguished citizens knowledgeable and vitally concerned about international human rights and the role of the UN and the U.S. in protecting those rights.