Cities Affecting Global Change: Sarasota
The City of Sarasota is a microcosm of personalities, ethnicities and stories. The individuals that share our beaches, sunshine and weather make our municipality culturally rich and unique.
At the 2017 Social Good Summit hosted by the United Nations and other organizations, Sarasota was represented on the global stage . Many topics were covered during the day-long event, but some speakers touched upon the importance of municipal participation in global matters. As stated by the United Nations Youth Envoy Jayathma Wickramanayake, “We must demand government to implement these goals, to hold them accountable for political action.” The goals to which Ms. Wickramanayake was referring are the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs aim to eradicate poverty, improve global access to clean energy, and expand quality education across the world among other things.
As a city government, which of the 17 SDGs do you believe are most important to our City as a whole and to the individual population? Is there an SDG goal or global issue that our City should be held accountable for to inspire actionable change?
Should Sarasota become more accommodating towards global issues and calls to action, like when Germany affirmed its acceptance of Syrian civil war refugees?
As Sarasota’s population becomes more diverse with every generation, is social media the best tool to use to spark conversations throughout the citizenship?
Social media has the power to reach large audiences and communities, creating a democratic dialogue between Sarasotians and visitors. How are we in Sarasota contributing to global good and wellbeing? What is our community specifically doing in order to be more inviting and hospitable to global change and participation?
If you believe that the City of Sarasota should become more involved in global issues then please create a dialogue below. If you believe any of the questions stated above deserve conversation then please, comment on them.
Let us know which Sustainable Development Goal you believe is the most important for the City to recognize and engage with.
What do you think life will be like in the year 2030 in the City of Sarasota?
Let us all begin a dialogue to create the year 2030 we want to see.