10 Universities Where UNA-USA is Advancing the SDGs

UNA-USA has a network of over 100 campus chapters at universities across the country. Here are 10 places that UNA-USA student members and the universities are working together to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  1. Arizona State University has identified faculty experts connected to each of the 17 SDGs. The UNA-USA chapter on campus invite these faculty to speak at meetings.
  2. The UNA-Seton Hall chapter collaborated with the Seton Hall School of Diplomacy and International Relations to hold a teach-in to launch the UN SDGs.
  3. UNA-USA chapters from several universities are hosting an on-campus case competition  connected to SDG 6: Clean Water.
  4. Students across the UNA-USA network are developing a service resume using our new mobile platform to connect their service hours to the SDGs.
  5. Students at Utah Valley University have helped to plan a side event at the United Nations in honor of International Mountain Day and SDG 15: Life on Land.
  6. George Washington University’s Sustainability Minor uses the framework of the SDGs in their curriculum. UNA-USA students on campus participate in these courses.
  7. UNA-UCLA hosted a case competition for students connected to the refugee crisis.
  8. For United Nations Day in October, UNA-USA chapters celebrated with a “Global Goals, Local Leaders” theme and honored members in the community, businesses, and faculty who had been local leaders for the SDGs.
  9. UNA chapters are encouraging their universities to sign the “We’re Still In” pledge to commit to the Paris Climate Accords.
  10. Southern Illinois University used fun, hands-on activities to teach students about the SDGs. Making planet Earth more sustainable is possible, as an interactive community event at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale demonstrated. The February 28 event, “Exploring the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”, was a chance for people to learn more about the 17 SDGs through interactive activities.

To learn more strategies for connecting your higher education community to the SDGs, click here.