Advocate for the United Nations

The fight isn’t over; we STILL need your help, and this time it’s easier than ever. All of August, your Members of Congress will be at home in your community. Schedule a meeting with your district office and ask them to support full funding for the UN. We’ll provide the talking points, office hours, and training.

Time is running out. Can we count on you to stand with the UN?

Step 1: In-District Meetings

Meeting your elected officials is straight forward and simple, especially from the comfort of your own community.

Register for our training on Wednesday, July 19th at 8:00 pm ET and learn how to send a meeting request and receive the talking points.

*Training is required for participation. Please make sure to fill out the interest form below. We do not want to duplicate efforts for the same districts. Training will be recorded.*

Register for the Congressional Training!


Step 2: Interest Form

Confirm your participation in the in-district meetings by filling out the interest form. There may be multiple UNA members from the same district seeking to schedule a meeting with an elected official. Help us coordinate and avoid duplicating efforts by submitting your information to the form below.

Fill out the Interest Form!

Step 3: Report Back

We value your feedback and kindly ask that you fill out the in-district meeting form, so we are aware of how your meetings went!

Tell us how your meetings went!

Additional Resources

First time scheduling meetings with your Members of Congress? Don’t worry, feel free to use the following resources to organize your efforts.