Hands Across The Sand | #ProtectOurOceans #TakeAction
Start Date & Time-
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Moonlight Beach Encinitas CA 92024
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
San Diego Chapter is proud to collaborate this year again with Oceana California, Surfrider Foundation, Sierra Club San Diego and many other community organizations.
The rush to offshore oil exploration and exploitation is not about to end; U.S. Administration continues to move forward on plans to open nearly all waters in its territories to offshore drilling.
Clean oceans are crucial for healthy and sustainable lives. Join us to inquire on California legislature to take action to protect our coast by blocking any potential for new offshore oil and prevent the industrialization of our coast.
Offshore drilling means increased threats to already impacted environment, the depletion of natural resources and deeper consequences for human activities dependent upon these ecosystems. Countless accidents on offshore platforms have demonstrated that environmental risks connected with offshore drilling activities concern all regions of the world and all types of companies.
On May 18th, across the nation, people like you will be joining hands for the 9th time since the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster to declare that 9 years is long enough to have to fight oil proposals.
Stand with us on May 18th at Moonlight Beach for a celebration of our beaches and our campaign’s success, and to send a strong message to the Department of Interior that we demand sustainable development of our coasts.