In loving memory of Jeanne (Ginger) Betsock Stillman

It is with great sadness to announce the passing of Jeanne (Ginger) Betsock StillmanGinger was an active leader in the United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA), serving six years as President of the Southern New York State Division and more recently as its Vice President for local chapter development. She played a key role in revitalizing “UNA Members Day” at the UN, co-chaired the UNA-USA Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference for several years, and spearheaded seminars that resulted in reports to the U.S. State Department on the United States’ performance under the UN Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights and the UN Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination.  She won a Leadership Award from the UNA Division and a Lifetime Achievement Award from UNA-National. Read Ginger’s full obituary here.