Welcome to UNA-USA!

UNA-USA is proud to welcome you to our national movement of more than 20,000 Americans who are committed to building a better world by advocating for the United Nations.


We're Glad You're Here

You’re here because you care about the values and principles enshrined in the UN Charter, the founding document which guides the UN’s lifesaving work. You are an integral part of our movement and make UNA-USA—and our impact—even stronger. By contributing your skills, passion, experience, and enthusiasm to your chapter or as a Member-At-Large, you are helping to improve quality of life for those in your community and around the world.

Together, by learning how to advocate for human rights, bold climate action, justice, access to healthcare, and the eradication of poverty, we can support a stronger U.S.-UN partnership.


Where Do I Start?

You’ve come to the right place to learn how to start your UNA-USA journey! Below are some tips and suggestions for making the most of your member experience:

Remember, as a member of UNA-USA, you can exchange ideas and build lifelong friendships with people who share your passion for building a better future for everyone, everywhere. Take advantage of all our programs, opportunities and activities to make your experience with UNA-USA both rewarding and fun.


Questions? Email membership@unausa.org and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!