UNA-USA Case Competition: Zero Hunger
Case Competition Instructions
UNA-USA campus and community chapters are invited to host a case competition in their local school or community and select a winning team to advance to the final round, to be hosted virtually by the UNA-USA national office in May 2021.
Chapters are encouraged to host their competitions in the month of February-April, and submit their winning team to the national office no later than April 18. Email UNA-USA Youth Engagement Manager amahalak@unausa.org with the names and emails of your chapter’s winning team. Winning teams will have the opportunity to present their case competition via Zoom to UN representatives. The final winning team at the national level will have their presentation published on the UNA-USA website and will receive a private meet and greet with a UN representative. Local participants in the case competition are encouraged to become UNA-USA members.
The aim of this competition is for teams to critically examine major issues related to food insecurity, climate change, and agriculture in Southeast Asia and to understand its root causes and prospects for the future. To recruit teams, share the following case competition prompt and instructions, and encourage teams of 2-4 to select one country from the below list and one issue of focus. Teams should evaluate local projects that address the issue in that country, and share the local projects’ strengths and weaknesses, as well as make their own recommendations/solutions to address SDG 2 that are sustainable and resilient. Furthermore, teams should consider connections to other Sustainable Development Goals.
For the competition, teams should prepare a 10-15 minute presentation, followed by questions from the judges. UNA-USA chapters should select 2-5 judges to score and select a case competition winner from the presentations. Judges can use the rubric below to score and evaluate presentations. Chapters are encouraged to select a neutral panel of judges.
Case Competition Judging Rubric
- Team has selected a project that is relevant to one of the major issues in a Southeast Asian country
- Team has prepared a presentation that clear, well-thought out, and has a focused point
- Team has evaluated the projects for strengths and weaknesses to show critical analysis of the issue
- Team has addressed potential for their selected project to be scaled beyond their country of focus
- Team has evaluated the project for its ability to reach targets of SDG 2
- Team has discussed connections to other SDGs
- Team was prepared to respond to judges’ questions
Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Access and Distribution, Nutrition, Rice Cultivation, Monocultures & Environmental Degradation, COVID-19
Read and share the full prompt with the Case Competition participants: