Before calling, be prepared with a short script that covers the following pieces of information:

  • Who are you? Where you are from?

Sample Script: Hi, I’m [your name], a constituent and voter from [your town/county/city, state]. I am a member of the United Nations Association of the USA, a grassroots movement of Americans dedicated to supporting the vital work of the United Nations. My local chapter is UNA [chapter name].

  • Why you are calling?

Sample Script: I am calling you today to express my grave concerns over the President’s decision to terminate our country’s relationship with WHO. There is no such thing as a perfect international organization. But right now, WHO is leading and coordinating the global response effort to COVID-19 by supporting countries to prevent, detect, and respond to the pandemic. At the end of the day, this move will severely impede the world’s ability to tackle COVID-19, compromise other critical health needs, and undermine the safety of Americans. Prioritizing global health shouldn’t be a partisan issue. As my Member of Congress, I will hope you speak up against this decision and urge the administration to rethink their misguided decision.

  • How has COVID-19 impacted your life?

To call your respective Members of Congress dial 855-466-4862 or fill out the form below to receive a call from the hotline.

  • Once you dial this number, you will be asked to enter your five-digit zip code.
  • Afterwards, you will be prompted to press #1 or #2 to speak with your Senators and #3 to speak with your Representative.

Keep your message brief and to the point, and don’t forget to thank the staffer for their time!