Step 1: Start the call with a training and explain the flow. See phone script guide.

Step 2: Remind everyone to keep a tally of their calls, then put everyone on mute if you’re virtual and start calling! Otherwise, you can all start calling using your cellphone and headphones (if you would like).

Step 3: Direct people to the phone script and start by calling your Representatives in the House and then the Senate. You will need to make 3 calls in total.

Step 4: Have folks place their questions in the chat. The hosts can address questions there so everyone can benefit. If the question requires a conversation or screen-sharing, use a Zoom breakout room to have a 1:1 private conversation. (The Host controls breakout rooms.)

Step 5: Have folks place their questions in the chat. The hosts can address questions there so everyone can benefit. If the question requires a conversation or screen-sharing, use a Zoom breakout room to have a 1:1 private conversation. (The Host controls breakout rooms.)

Step 6:  Remember to take a screenshot, picture, or selfie with your screen or phone, using Zoom Gallery View so you can see everyone. Then share it with to amplify your work!