Calling your legislators can be intimidating the first (or second, or third!) time you do it, so we’re giving you a guide to make it easier.

  1. Call Capitol Hill at 1-855-466-4862. Using this number allows us to track your efforts! You will need to dial this number 3x to make 3 separate calls to each of your Members of Congress. 
  2. You will either be prompted to enter your zip code to be connected to your Representatives, or you will be connected to an operator and can ask for your Representatives by name. If you don’t know who your House Representative is, you can look it up here. If you don’t know who your Senators are, you can look it up here. You may be asked to enter the number TWO to reach the House of Representatives or the number ONE to reach the Senate.
  3. Once you are connected to the Representative’s office, tell the staff member who answers the phone that you have an opinion on the appropriations package regarding foreign aid. You would like to share this message with the member of Congress and ask if you can leave that opinion with the staffer. 
  4. Deliver your talking points/script, summarized below:  
  5. Ask if the staffer requires any follow-up information.  
  6. You may also ask if the member has a current stance on full UN funding. Request a response indicating the member’s position on this matter.  
  7. If the office gets back to you with a specific appropriations request form, please let us know by emailing and we will help fill it out.  

If your call is not answered, don’t worry. You can leave a message! Be prepared that they may call you back. 


Hi, my name is [Name], and I’m a constituent and voter from [Town/County/City/State] How are you?  


I’m a member of the United Nations Association of the USA, a grassroots movement of Americans supporting the U.N.’s work. Today, I’m calling in honor of Human Rights Day and to discuss the importance of full funding for the United Nations (UN).


You may already know the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs released their bill text for FY’23. I support funding levels that include the positive proposals I care about, like lifting the peacekeeping cap and money to pay down our peacekeeping arrears.   


I am asking [Your Member of Congress’ Name] to vote in support of a FY’23 appropriations bill that properly invests in multilateral diplomacy, including full UN funding and paying back our peacekeeping arrears.  


[INSERT SHORT PERSONAL REASONS FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE UN, OR SAY: “The United Nations established mechanisms to promote and protect human rights in 1948 through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and to this day, it continues to assist states in carrying out their responsibilities.




Thanks for the opportunity to share my opinion. I hope you have a chance to look at the House and Senate funding levels for State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs. 


Hi, my name is [Name], and I’m a constituent and voter from [Town/County/City/State]. I’m also a member of the United Nations Association of the USA, a grassroots movement of Americans that support the work of the UN.


Today, I’m calling in honor of Human Rights Day and to ask [Your Member of Congress’ Name] to vote in support of an appropriations bill that properly invests in multilateral diplomacy, including full UN funding and paying back our peacekeeping arrears.  


Thanks for the opportunity to share my opinion. I hope you have a chance to look at both the appropriations bill and that [Your Member of Congress’ Name] votes in support of full UN funding and paying back our peacekeeping arrears. If you would like further information, you can reach me at [Phone Number].