Campus Checklist for Summer-Fall 2020

Use this helpful checklist to prepare for the school year and keep up with UNA-USA activities!



  • Stay in touch with school administration (student activities office) or faculty advisor; they have free time over the summer and are able to talk with you
  • Set up meetings with community members/non-profit leaders if you’re staying in town or set up informational interviews with alumni from your school who work in relevant fields
  • Feature chapter members doing interesting projects or internships over the summer
  • Stay active on social media by posting interesting articles and recognize UN days


  • Sign up all chapter members for free youth membership to receive email updates throughout the year
  • Plan for Activity Fair: request activity fair supplies from UNA-USA
  • Book rooms in advance for fall semester events like UN Day (October)
  • Register for your Fall Student Activity Fair. Before tabling, check out this guide on building your membership. Plan a social event to welcome new and returning chapter members after the Activity Fair!
  • Set goals for the semester and assign tasks to your Executive Board and officers. Recruit new officers as needed. (UNA-USA national staff can lead a virtual Exec Board retreat – contact


  • Continue recruiting new members after the Activity Fair; try using Virtual Reality to spark interest in your tabling events, or ask passersby to vote for their favorite SDG!
  • Email interested students, welcoming them to the chapter and inviting them to join a committee (examples of committees include: Advocacy, UN Day Planning, Social, Service, or Global Goals.)
  • Hold your first meeting! Your agenda could include fundraising ideas, or a brainstorm for your UN Day (Oct. 24) programming.
  • Celebrate Day of Democracy on September 15th and promote voter registration and participation in the upcoming election



  • Consider submitting a blog post to UNA-USA about an event you held this semester. Contact your region’s Campus Fellow to learn more.


  • Celebrate Human Right’s Day on December 10th. This year, the United States underwent its Universal Periodic Review, which examines human rights within our country.
  • Submit your end of semester report to UNA-USA by December 31. Completing this report helps you maintain active chapter status and makes your chapter eligible for scholarships and grants.